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How to Order

So, you want in on this oily life?

YAY! Once you have chosen which starter kit you would like to begin with, you’re ready to set up your own Young Living Account.  A wholesale membership comes with the Purchase of your Premium Starter kit and allows you to order at a 24% discount.  There are no monthly purchase minimums and zero requirements to sell anything. Retail accounts are an option however kits aren't available and you pay full price on products.

Be sure to use the link or member number of the friend who referred you here, so you are connected to them.  Below are step-by-step instructions to walk you through the order process.  Once you have your account set up and have ordered your starter kit, be sure to reach out to the person with whom you enroll to be added to The Thrive Collective for access to all the amazing education and resources.

Follow These Instructions

1. Click “Get Started”

this is how you get the starter kit and your 24% discount on any additional oil purchases.

2. Choose your Premium Starter Kit

Assuming you are getting an Essential Oil Premium Starter Kit, choose your preferred diffuser in this step.  Note: The Health Home and Ningxia Red Starter Bundles can be found in the “Specialty Bundles” tab.



Select "Build Your Customised Order" to choose other products to the value of 100PV.

3. Essential Rewards! 

This is not required, but it ROCKS and it is a super fun and affordable way to start kicking the toxins out of your home and replacing them with safe options.  You'll earn money back on every order and tons of freebies!


Select your next month's order now... don't worry you can change this at anytime before the next due date!

4. Membership Details

Fill out your contact details then choose a password and pin (write these down somewhere safe)!

5. Sponsor + Enroller

This one is important! Be sure to select "I was referred by a member". The number here should be the person who introduced you to Young Living. Sooo! If you were referred here by a friend, you will want to enter their numbers when you get to this part.

6. Agree and Continue

Tick the box to say you have read and agree to the terms of the Young Living Member Agreement.

Click "Agree And Continue then finalise your account with your shipping and payment details.

Get Started.JPG
Choose Starter Bundle.JPG


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Choose Essential Rewards.JPG
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Agree and Continue.JPG
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